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Erie Makes 2023

Take & Make Kits 2023

Get a taste of making with these take home kits! Kits will be available at each Erie County Library location on November 13th while supplies last. Limit of one kit per person. 

Watercolor Bookmark (Ages 4+) 

Paint in a premade design with watercolor paints to make you own bookmark. This kit contains two bookmarks.

CD Snails (Ages 5+) 

Make a snail friend using a CD, stickers, buttons, paper and glue. This is a simple craft for young makers. 

Mini Fairy Garden (Ages 10+) 

Make a tiny garden designed to lure fairies. A fairy garden is a miniature garden that can include small structures (fairy houses), plants, stones, figurines and other decorative items.  

Home Wood Cookie (Ages 10+)  

Use a wood cookie, wooden house cutout, markers and tissue paper to make a decorative mini house wall hanging. 

Mini Painting (Ages 13-18)

Channel your inner artist and make a mini painting. Each kit contains all you will need to create your own mini artwork. Mini canvas, paint and brush set and easel.