If you want to learn how to record music or a podcast, you need to become familiar with a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). There are many different DAWs out there. For this project we are going to use Audacity.
In this project you will learn how to:
For this project you will need to download Audacity, a free software. Use the link below to go to the download page.
Read over the project instructions and then continue to the project guide tab for a step-by-step video.
1. Choose one of your favorite things to talk about. (Example: a book, a movie, a food, etc)
2. Record yourself Introducing the topic. Just say the name of the topic. (Example: Strawberry Ice Cream)
3. Record a second sound clip saying a few things about your topic.
4. Complete the following editing tasks:
5. Export the audio clip.
Helpful Links
Congratulations, you finished the first project!
To learn more about Audacity, check out the following:
Try out the Overlay Sound project.
View the Audio Software tab for helpful links and videos.
Go to the classes tab to learn how to take a class on Lynda.com
When making a podcast, you may want to add multiple layers of sound to give it a little pizazz. Using Audacity, we will record audio and add some sound effects.
In this project you will learn how to:
For this project you will need to download the free software Audacity. Use the link below to go to the download page.
Read over the project instructions and then continue to the project guide tab for a step-by-step video.
1. Record yourself telling a story. You can make up your own story or read from a book.
2. Find three sound effects from ZapSplat that you would like to add to your recording.
3. Import the sound effects into Audacity.
4. Adjust the sound clips to fit with your story.
5. Export the Audio.
Helpful Links
Congratulations, you finished the project!
To learn more about Audacity check out the following:
View the Audio Software tab for helpful links and videos.
Go to the classes tab to learn how to take a class on Lynda.com
Want to make a beat but don’t have all the instruments to do so? Fear not! FL Studio comes with built in plugins you can use to make your own music.
In this project you will learn how to:
For this project you will need to download the free software FL Studio. Use the link below to go to the download page.
Read over the project instructions and then continue to the project guide tab for a step-by-step video.
1. Use the built in channel rack to make a pattern.
2. Make a second pattern.
3. Put the patterns into a track.
4. Export the file.
Helpful Links
Congratulations you finished the project!
To learn more about FL Studio check out the following:
View the Audio Software tab for helpful links and videos.
Go to the classes tab to learn how to take a class on Lynda.com
Want to record yourself singing, rapping, or speaking over a backing track? You can do so easily with Audacity just by changing a few settings and using a basic audio setup.
In this project you will learn how to:
For this project, you will to download the free softwares Audacity and Universal Control. Use the link below to go to the download page.
Read the project instructions below to get a sense for what you will do and then continue to the project guide tab for a step-by-step video.
Below is the step-by-step video. Below that is a text tutorial from Audacity.
Here is Audacity's guide to Overdubbing which you can reference as needed.
The Erie County Public Library welcomes the opportunity to support and promote the creative expression of our diverse community.
In that spirit, we have established the Idea Lab Creates collection, a showcase for community members who have used Idea Lab equipment or resources to create an original work. It could be a project from one of the Idea Lab’s Maker Guides, something created during a class, an item made with a Maker Kit, or any project related to Idea Lab themes.
Erie County residents of all ages are encouraged to submit their original work to this collection. View the collection below or submit one of your projects for us to share.