The Erie County Public Library is excited to announce its Third Annual HistERIE Week!
This year's week-long celebration of history in Erie County is themed "Uncover Your History!" Ever wonder about your place in history? We each have an interesting story! Whether that is the experiences we've lived or the vast history of our families and how we got here, we all have an impact on history itself and on the lives of those around us.
From Monday June 3th through Sunday June 9th, ECPL and our partners will offer lots of local history and genealogy programs! To learn more, see your local library or some of the online resources available with your ECPL library card. And don't forget to pick up your take-home packet while supplies last at your local ECPL location!
This LibGuide provides information about event schedules, participant information, local history resources, and more! If you would like more information about the event, you can contact the library by phone: (814) 451-6927
2:00pm : Tour of the Erie Insurance Heritage Center
Join us for a one-hour guided tour with Erie Insurance Archivists and Curators of the exhibits in the Thomas B. Hagen Building and Erie Insurance Heritage Center!
Location: Thomas B. Hagen Building Entrance, on 6th street
Registration Required one week in advance, 15 Attendees Permitted, will receive security badge
6:00pm : Erie's Amazing Rail Heritage
This lecture, by local author and historian Kenneth Springirth, will cover the history of railroads and trolley systems that once served Erie, Pennsylvania. The railroad gauge war and the importance of railroads and trolleys will be covered too. After the lecture, there will be time for questions and book signing by Mr. Springirth!
Location: Admiral Room, Blasco Library
6:00pm : Presque Isle History Told Through Old Maps
Join us at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center at Presque Isle State Park to explore old maps of the local area and learn about the history of Presque Isle told through the changes in the land over the years.
Location: BIG Green Screen Theater at Tom Ridge Environmental Center, 301 Peninsula Dr, Erie PA 16505
6:00pm : Scrapbooking Meet Up
Join fellow scrapbook enthusiasts in the Community Classroom at the Blasco Library as we explore different paper techniques for use in your projects. This month, in conjunction with HistERIE week, we will meet one week earlier and learn about some preservation tips and proper archival materials for use in your scrapbooks and family histories! We will have some supplies available, but feel free to bring your own, and whatever you're working on, for some dedicated creative time!
No registration required; Ages 12+
June Theme: Preserving Family Histories
Tuesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Location: Community Classroom, Blasco LIbrary
11:00am : Gateway to Empire
Erie has been home to a series of fortifications constructed by the European empire builders in America. Its critical importance to European empires resulted from its crucial location controlling commerce to the interior of the continent. In this way, Erie can be considered a true “Gateway to Empire.” This talk, given on the Presque Isle Bluffs where the first French fortification was constructed, discusses the various military structures built in Erie and the European and indigenous empires that vied for control of this crucial location in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
*If it's rainy, this program will be moved to the following day, Thursday, at 11am
Location: Parade Street and East Front Street (Look for the historic markers)
6:00pm : Unholy Murder of Ash Wednesday
Meet authors Dom Dipaolo and Jeff Pinkski and learn about the seedy underbelly of the betting world of Erie in the 1980s and the murder of one of its stars Ash Wednesday. Also known as mob wannabe "Bolo" Dovishaw. Check out the book at one of the Erie County Public Library branches ahead of time and see what the big deal was.
Registration is not required, but recommended.
Sponsored by the Friends of Erie County Library.
Location: H.O. Hirt Auditorium, Blasco Library
6:00pm : History of Bread
Details coming soon
Location: Blasco Library
10:00am-4:00pm : Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society: Campus Open
The Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society will open the historic campus in Waterford which includes the French & Indian War Museum and the 18th Century Gardens. There will be Live Demonstrations highlighting crafts of the time!
For more information visit
Location: Historic Waterford, PA
10:00am - 4:00pm Celebrate History at the Blasco Library!
This celebration of history will include:
Location: Blasco Library First Floor (near the community classroom)
12pm - 5pm : Community Day at the Hagen History Center
Enjoy FREE Admission to the Hagen History Center's three exhibit buildings to learn about Erie History!
Learn more at
Location: Hagan History Center
356 West 6th St. Erie, PA
1pm - 4pm : Family History Fair
The Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) and the Hagen History Center are proud to bring the local history and genealogy community together for this unique event. Are you just starting your family history, or do you have in-depth research skills? Maybe you want to learn more about local history– especially within the township where your ancestors lived? Our family history fair has something for everyone.
Visit information tables scattered throughout the first floor of the mansion. Representatives from ESGR, the Hagen History Center, various township historical societies in Erie County, as well as the surrounding counties will be there to answer your questions. We will also have information and representatives to help with your questions about courthouse records, the Blasco library’s Heritage Room, lineage societies, DNA testing, and other family history resources such as vital records, church records, burial records, war records and more.
Our focus includes sharing information about local collections that would be of interest to those researching their family history. Remember, NOT everything is on the internet. The museum, including the immigration exhibits, will also be open to the public from noon to 5pm.
Location: Hagen History Center's Watson-Curtze mansion 356 West Sixth Street
Pick up your take-home packet after May 27th
from any of the Erie County Public Library locations (including the Bookmobile)!
(while supplies last)
Take-Home Packets will include:
1. Family Album booklet
2. Start Your Family Tree activity
3. Make-Your-Crest activity
4. Event List
5. Fingerprint Stamp Card
Dominick D. DiPaolo and Jeff Pinski: DiPaolo served with distinction as an Erie, Pennsylvania, police officer for a quarter century, much of that time as Erie s leading homicide investigator. Retiring at the rank of detective sergeant, he became the most decorated law enforcement officer in the City of Erie s history.For the past 20 years, DiPaolo has been an elected Magisterial District Judge, representing Erie s vast Sixth Ward. Active in civic, religious, youth and athletic organizations, he is the father of two and grandfather of four. He and his wife, Janet, live in the City of Erie. Pinski was an award-winning journalist for four decades at Erie, Pennsylvania s Times Publishing Company. First a Morning News reporter and later managing editor, then Erie Times-News public editor, he is the former president of the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors, and the former longtime chairman of both Leadership Erie and the MS Society s Northwestern Pennsylvania Advisory Council. After retiring from the newspaper, he became Edinboro University s Associate Director for Communications and Marketing for seven years. A veteran of the U.S. Navy and father of one, he and his wife, Doris, live in Fairview Township.
Erie Insurance: The Erie Insurance Heritage Center, located in the historic C.F. Adams Building, chronicles the story of the American Dream through the growth of Erie Insurance. From its humble beginnings in 1925, ERIE has become one of America's largest. highest rated and most respected insurance companies. Step back in time and explore the Arts and Crafts building that served as ERIE's first owned home office space.
ESGR: The Erie Society for Genealogical Research, founded in 1972, is a 100% volunteer independent non-profit organization, formally affiliated with and located within the Hagen History Center.
Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society: The Fort Le Boeuf Historical Society is located in Northwest Pennsylvania in the small town of Waterford. It was founded in the 1970’s to save one of Waterford’s most historic buildings, the Eagle Hotel, built in 1826. The new group’s hard work, both in physical labor and fundraising, saved this beautiful building from potential demolition. Some of those original members are still part of the group and other volunteers have joined their ranks to help preserve Waterford’s history. The Eagle Hotel has been joined by the Judson House, Washington Park and the FLB Museum…all of which are open for tours. The Fort LeBoeuf History Campus stands on what was the original home to Fort LeBoeuf. The Fort Leboeuf Historical Society is dedicated to collecting, protecting, and preserving the history of Waterford, Pa for the interest and education of present and future generations.
Brian Gula: Environmental Education Specialist at Presque Isle State Park.
Hagen History Center: Hagen History Center formerly known as the Erie County Historical Society is a public museum located in Erie, Pennsylvania and focuses on the history of Erie County for the past 200 years. There is also an additional campus known as the Battles Estates in Girard, Pennsylvania. The museum includes exhibit buildings, archival and curatorial collections, educational classrooms, and house museums in Erie & Girard.
Tom Hansen: Tom Hansen has been portraying Strong Vincent since 2010 and has refined my portrayal as him since. He is his graveside speaker since 2005, has spoken to many organizations, including Boy Scouts, Historical Societies, Civil War Roundtables, Strong Vincent High School Alumni, and Masonic organizations. The highlight is speaking from the rock that he was shot from, on Little Round Top, Gettysburg! Hansen has led reenactors at several parades and marched in the Gettysburg Remembrance Day Parade and was asked to be a tour guide, for Corry Travel, as they are taking a trip to Gettysburg, at the end in the month.
The Hilltop Spinners are a group of passionate fiber artists who love making yarn out of fluff and fiber! Our members come together from Chautauqua, Erie, and Warren Counties to learn and educate about the steps to making yarn.
Jane Ingold is a certified archivist who runs the archives at Penn State Erie, the Behrend College. The archives contains information about the college, the Behrend family, and their company Hammermill Paper. The college is celebrating its 75th anniversary.
Dr. Benjamin Scharff is Associate Professor and Chair of the Thomas B. Hagan Department of History at Mercyhurst University in Erie Pennsylvania. He specializes in Early American and Public History. He published a book entitled “Skulking in the Woods:” Irregular Warfare in Pennsylvania During the Seven Years’ War and has a monograph entitled “Busy Mischievous Fellows:” Imperial Agency in Pennsylvania During the Seven Years’ War under contract for publication along with numerous other publications. Dr. Scharff has collaborated in a number of ways with community partners since arriving in Erie in 2014.
Kenneth Springirth: Author or over 40 books on trains and trolleys. Public transportation was my way to get to college and graduate from Drexel Institute of Technology with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.